Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Fight Of My Life

I'm sitting here letting Kirk Franklin's latest CD, "The Fight Of My Life" speak to me and it is sobering to say the least. Here are some of the titles: Help Me Believe, Hide Me, How It Used to Be, Still In Love, I Like Me. Get the picture?

You know how it is once you overcome a situation in your life and you're like, "Wow, whew glad that's over". You know when you're climbing that mountain and once you make it to the top you're like "Oh my God-I made it!" Last week, when I filed my papers that's how I was. I was on a natural high like, whoa. It wasn't until my '78 Grand Marquis starting acting funky at a stoplight, like she had breathed her last breath/it wasn't until I called myself going out to have a good time and had to wake right back up to start my 7 day work week/it wasn't until the grapevine busted in my face and told me my agency that employs me may not have enough funds to continue my position in 2009/ it wasn't until all those things happened within 48 hours that I understood, Sistah-you are in the fight of your life. Now is the time to piss or get off the pot and while you're sitting there taking your sweet time, don't forget about your 4 babies who depend on your very existence.

Now I know, now the FIGHT OF MY LIFE BEGINS...

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